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You and up to three other players are ghosts trapped in a small room. The objective of the game is to setup pranks for the other ghosts, as each time an opposing ghost is affected by a prank their laugh meter increases. Once a ghosts laugh meter is full they burst out in a fit of laughter and explode! (they just lose and die)

Within the room are a variety of objects to interact with, each of which have a proximity for how close an enemy player has to be to be affected by them, and each has a different 'laugh' value. There are lamps, rugs, mirrors on the walls, and some tvs.

To play the game you move your player forward and backward with the up and down arrow keys, and move the camera left or right with left and right arrow keys. Unfortunately it is tank controls.
When a character is stand on or very near an intractable item they can press the space bar to plant a trap on the item. Traps are planted for a variable amount of time (between 2-10 seconds). If any players are within the proximity of the given trap when it triggers their laugh meters will be updated. Currently there is no feedback for it, but you can't place your own trap on an item if it is already trapped, or actively displaying a trap.